Elite Vaulter Sports Complex
Locations: Fort Worth | San Antonio

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Club Sessions
Blk Tu,Th 6:00-8:00
Blk Sun 1:00-3:00
Blk Alternating Sat. 11:00-1:00


Year Round PV Training,
Spring Break PV Camps,


About the Texas Pole Vault Club


EliteSportz FTW Current News

Desiree Freier 14'7.25"

Texas UIL 5A State Champion
TX State Record Holder
2013 USA Youth Team Member

National HS Indoor Record
National HS Outdoor Record

American Junior Record Holder
2014 USA Jr.Team Member

IAAF 2014 Jr, Worlds
Silver Medalist

Lakan Taylor 13'8"

Texas 4A State Champion

Zoe McKinley 13'3"

2013 USA Youth Team Member

Sara Hall 13'0"

4A Silver Medalist

EliteSportz FTW

2013 Club Improvements

Year after year our athletes improve tremendously.Every vaulter improves when training with TexasPoleVault at EliteSportz Fort Worth.What are you waiting for?

Gabe McAdams 12'6"-15'7"
Emilie Weismann 0-10'6"
Savannah Perry 8'0"-10'0"
Kelsey Heartling 8'0"-10'0"
Amalie Brewer 0-8'0"
Peyton Weismann 9'6"-13'1"
Hawk Griffin 15'3"-16'6"
Kyle Heartling 12'0"-13'0"

Texas Best Pole Vaulting

EliteSportz is dedicated to developing Pole Vaulters of all ages through year round Camps, Competitions and Club. Our Club TexasPoleVault has a rich history of success with vaulters of all levels dating back to the late 1990's. Our goal is to provide our athletes with all the tools, techniques, knowledge and motivation required to excel as a Pole Vaulter. We are commited to providing a safe and wholesome environment where each athlete can learn to be, ''The Best They Can Be''

The definition of Insanity: "Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results"


TWITTER @TexasPoleVault

EliteSportz is dedicated to developing Pole Vaulters of all ages through year round Camps, Competitions and Club. Our Club TexasPoleVault has a rich history of success with vaulters of all levels dating back to the late 1990's. Our goal is to provide our athletes with all the tools, techniques, knowledge and motivation required to excel as a Pole Vaulter. We are commited to providing a safe and wholesome environment where each athlete can learn to be, ''The Best They Can Be''.

TexasPoleVault Training News
2025 Club Registration and Info
2025 Training Schedule
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