Elite Vaulter Sports Complex
Locations: Fort Worth | San Antonio

Skills Training

Complete Pole Vault Training In Fort Worth and San Antonio

In 2000 ESPN reported that Pole Vaulting was the second most difficult sport. It was second to hitting a baseball in the major leagues. A pole vaulter must be able to sprint carrying a pole vaulting pole while at the same time moving the pole to the correct position for the plant and takeoff. The vaulter then must jump off of the ground; swinging and inverting their body in preparation for a gymnastic fly-away that requires a half turn over the bar. Pole Vaulting requires training for speed, strength, jumping ability, gymnastic skills and endurance.

For the First time in the state of Texas, private indoor pole vault training is available for all of the required skills under one roof. Elite Sportz provides specialized pole vault training in both the North and South Texas area.

Whether you are a first time vaulter, an intermediate or an accomplished vaulter Elite Sportz has what you need. We sincerely hope you choose to come and experience Elite Sportz, taking part in all the fun, learning, training and competitions.

Club Registration
Register Now for available Pole Vault Club lessons at the TexasPoleVault Complex.

Register Now

Club Sessions
Blk Tu,Th 6:00-8:00
Blk Sun 1:00-3:00
Blk Alternating Sat. 11:00-1:00

About the Texas Pole Vault Club

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